
Carassauga 2025


Carassauga celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2025! It operated for the first time in 1986 with 10 Pavilions, initially operating only on Saturday and Sunday.  It was created in response to a challenge put out by the late Mayor Hazel McCallion to all ethnic cultural groups at a meeting of her calling in the old City Hall in the fall of 1985.

The Festival has become an important annual event in Mississauga’s calendar, and its popularity has steadily increased in recent years.

The organization attributes its success to the many volunteer leaders on the Board who have tirelessly devoted their time and expertise to running the annual 2-day event. In 2017,  5,213  Performers supported by 6,668 Volunteers created an incredible multi cultural experience.  The community’s commitment over the years to honouring and showcasing Mississauga’s multicultural landscape is unsurpassed.

Visit the Carassauga official site for more information at:


Portugal Pavilion

The Portuguese Cultural Centre of Mississauga was one of the founding pavilions and has been representing the Portugal Pavilion every year since 1986. This year was no different. All the hard work from our directors and additional volunteers, made this year a success. Thank you everyone!

Carassauga 2024 Gallery

Carassauga 2022 Gallery

Carassauga 2019 Gallery

Video from Portugal Pavilion 2019

Produced by Briana-Lynn Brieiro.

Take a walk into the Portugal Pavilion 2018

Carassauga 2018 Gallery

Carassauga 2017 Gallery